In the Field of Tomorrow

"Close your eyes" she hears a voice say to her. "Close your eyes dear one, let me take you to the field of tomorrow" she listens the everything went black.
Medical eponyms: Where women are clearly underrepresentedShe woke up in the middle of a hallway, lots of people running, walking, sitting and some where also crying. "Where am I?" she asks but she gets no answer. Then she sees a lady walk pass her, she was wearing a surgical suit. She got interested of what she was gonna do, so she followed her. The lady looked tensed, nervous as hell. And that even doubled as she reached out to open the the door, that says Operating Room on the top. "What is she doing here?" the girl asks but again she got no reply. She followed the lady and watched her wash her hands with a soap that turned her hands to yellow, again she wondered, "Who is she?". The lady entered the room and so did she. Her eyes wondered off the room, and in the middle is what caught her attention. An old man lying down that looks so pale. She wondered again "Who is he?", but then a voice interrupted her thoughts "Is everything ready?" a low voice spoke. then the lady answered, "Yes Doc, everything is set", but when she was about to step forward to see a clearer view everything went black again.
Atria Black Studyblrrr on Instagram: “📸 : studynowsandee on Tumblr”This time, she woke up inside a room. The blackboard was filled with scribbles of letters and numbers. Looks like the teacher was not here yet, but it was unlikely because she heard no sound. The room was filled with students but all of them was focused on their thick books. "Wow, they sure are studious" she thought. She looked around, then she once again saw the lady. She was on the right side of the room, but unlike the others she was sleeping, "I wonder why is she sleeping". Then a loud opening of the door got everyone in the room startled, including the lady, that looked shocked then turned to nervous. "Bags on the front" says their professor once she was seated on her table. In no time desks were clean and all bags were on the front. "Ah, so they are gonna take an exam? But why was she sleeping?" the little girl wondered. Time flew fast, the next thing the little girl knew, she was on the same room, but the difference was only the lady and the professor was in it. "I'm sorry Miss, but if you fail on the next test again, you will fail my subject and might not graduate on time" she heard the professor said as well as silent sobs from the lady. She was walking towards her, but everything turned black once again.
This time, she woke up and saw nothing but black. She tried to call someone for help but looks like no one heard her. She sat down hopeless, then she heard some one call her. It was the lady, but this time, she was wearing a gray uniform with a mop on her hands. "hey little girl," the lady starts. "What was that? Where did you take me to?" the little girl asks, desperate for answers. "You just saw me, and how I took things for granted. And I just want to tell you that so you don't make the same mistake as as I did” the lady speaks up and looks at her and smiles. "Because I know that you plan being a doctor two years after you work as a nurse"  she got more confused "how did you know" the girl asks. "I hope you do well, and learn from where I wronged." was all she got as a response. "How did you know?" she tried to ask again, this time the lady looked at her and smirked, "What do you think?"


  1. Oreo! You are one great soul as always. Seeing you grow from the failures and success life gave you, makes me feel so proud! I will always have your back po, just as you have mine - as always. Remember; there is a world outside the campus grounds and in that world we find the true meaning of life. Dream high!


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