I've been living here all my life, but I can never get tired of listening to the stories of its past. I can never grow tired of walking on its streets. I will never be tired of boasting and showing everyone how beautiful Vigan is.
Vigan is an island, which used to be detached from the mainland by three rivers – the great Abra River, the Mestizo River and the Govantes River. It is unique among the Philippine towns because it is the country’s most extensive and only surviving historic city that dates back to the 16th century Spanish colonial period.
Every September, Vigan celebrates the World Heritage Cities Solidarity Cultural Festival. In solidarity of unity with other Heritage Cities, this is a month-long celebration that aims to strengthen the pride in the city's history and culture, promote friendship and diversity between countries. This celebration also a way for bigueños  to showcase their talents and skills through the different activities that are held.
Indeed, it is an honor to be able to live in such beautiful place. With no hesitations I am and forever will be proud of the fact that I am from Vigan. I am a Bigueño!





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