Goodbye 1st, Hello 2nd

ICT had always been one of the subjects that i feared the most. One is because I don't have any background about it and I also suck in using  computers and such. But hearing that this year, we get to create our own blogs, made me feel a little relieved and excited

diary and journal imageWriting had always been a part of me. From diaries and journals, to old notebooks filled with scribbled letters and words. It was one way of expressing myself, but I've learned that mere talents won't get you anywhere. You have to gain, improve and enhance these.

Besides from having a difficult time in memorizing dates, words and people that im not familiar of, I've also had a hard time writing. As I've said, writing was one of the things I can say that I'm good at. but great ideas don't always come when you tell them too. and clearly, I couldn't think well if the the thought that time would run out passes my mind.  there were times that I've doubted my own compositions and such because of thoughts like "others could have better ones", "I could do much better", maybe it isn't good enough".

But realizing this now. we are all different in our own ways. And that i should stop overthinking negative opinions others might have. I've learn to love and be proud of my compositions and also my ideas in things too.

Moving on, i will continue enhancing my writings skills. And also I'll make sure to be more serious and at the same time never let stress get the best me, because dude, 1st quarter was really really stressful! So, goodbye 1st quarter, hello 2nd!



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